Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Planning for next year

Now that the 4th has passed, it is time to think about what I am going to do for next year. As I wrote in a previously, I want to start implementing flip teaching for my middle school science classrooms. I only see my middle school science students twice a week in the classroom. I want to use more of that time to do hands-on activities. However, there is so much information to cover for each grade level and I want the students to have read the background information before we do the activities.
In the past, many of my students have had problems accessing the information in the textbook. Science texts tend to be quite dense and full of terms that have meanings specific to science. In the past, I had students complete an outline while reading the text. But the students tended to look for he words rather than read the text. This past year I switched to modified Cornell notes that helped students target their reading. I would like to continue doing this as the students and I noticed an improvement in their comprehension of the material. But how can I fit this in with instructional videos? I also want to avoid having modified PowerPoints for the videos. There is so much great information out there already and I don't want to reinvent the wheel. I will post more ideas as I think this through. Any ideas?

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